Services Offered at The Well

  • Massage, Body Work, and Sound Therapy

    Massage, Body Work, and Sound Therapy

    We offer massage, bodywork and energy work sessions by appointment.

    We are excited to have access to new, state of the art technology developed by Michael Conroy. His massage table has transducers built in to change the signals from sound into waves that can be felt by the body, allowing for the music you hear to literally be massaging you!

  • Divination

    We are honored to offer in person divination services from extraordinary local mediums and intuitive readers. Tarot, Astrology, I Ching, Ancestral Readings and more are available by appointment. We believe that absolutely everyone has access to connection with Spirit, but sometimes an outer perspective can unlock a new world of knowledge. Our readers are called to a path of service through honing these connections and holding space for you to gain insight and clarity around your deepest questions, including the ones you didn’t yet know you needed to ask.

  • Music and Sound Design

    Jim has more than 20 years experiences as a composer, producer, and sound designer. He has worked on projects ranging from original albums to sound design for theater productions and educational materials.

    He can help with any music or audio production needs you have.

To book:

Massage, Body Work, and Sound Therapy: call Karen at (864) 357-4612
Music or Sound Design services: call Jim at (828) 333-2017